Friday, April 15, 2011



  1. Hello again! To bring about our differences is my next course in action. To be so frank, there is much to point out. For starters, you were born into a royal family whereas I was of a simple country relation. My father promoted my fancy in writing while your own father condoned it. You said you were not excepted as a writer in your family, and I appreciate my own family's support and confidence. You went against your family, especially defying your father's wishes, and even your religion. You discussed some of the things you had to face and had to do even if you didn't want to. You faced disappointment, abandonment, and being unacceptable. Your writing style, poems and stories, are generally focused on means of your time. You wrote of war, human rights, the revolution of your time, and political situations. My choice of work centralized common livelihood, romance, companionship, and above all love. Your upbringing and schooling obviously affected you as a whole more than myself, where for me youth was just the first step. Your adolescence defined your future, which is not a condemnable thing. If you had not taken the leap into your passion, where would you have remained standing but still behind the barrier others and yourself may have tried to put up. For that I applaud your strength and independence!

  2. Hallo! We as people have many views on things. For starters, when you had a royal background, I was more known famously. Since my father died, he left our family with poverty that only mother wanted to worry about. She didnt want anyone to worry about it. As you went behind your father back and against his wishes, you had the strength and pride to do so. But I had no father. My father died before I was even born. I understand that you wanted to write while your father wanted you to be a lawyer, but if you simply wanted to be a writer, you should of told him, not go behind his back. Don't betray your father that way. At least you have a father. Finally, I read that you write about war, politics and important rights that only you could describe. For me, I describe my feeling and emotions through music. Mostly in a romantic way. But it seems that you went through life difficultly. Although you took it a day at a time, you sir are genius.

  3. We have some very surprizing deferences. For one thing you did not have support from your father. I feel great pitty for you because my father always supported me in my aspirations. Another difference we have is that you had to elope to get marrieed. I also pitty you for this. In my opinion there is nothing better than to have everyone support your in your marrage and have your whole family there to cheer you on. Mabye that is simply not how you wanted it but I don'y know how I could have lived without my families support in every way.

  4. SOme more differences I noticed were that you went to a bording school. You talked about how that effected you positively and negitively. I don'y know how I would feel about boarding school. I did go to a music school but that was later in my life. I think I weould want to stay with my family in my growing years and seek advice from them.
